Lightwater Cubs and Scouts enjoy their WW1 trench experience

Please forgive me this article is about an event that occurred on the 11th of November 2018. I haven’t previously written about this event. It seems fitting to write about today, on another anniversary of a World War.

To commemorate the ending of World War 1, 1st Lightwater Scouts constructed a realistic World War 1 trench in the grounds of their Scout Hall in The Avenue in Lightwater.. The beavers and cubs had fun repeatedly wandering through the trench. A scout leader helped them understand aspects of the trench, among which was the use of a trench periscope, holding a Lee Enfield rifle, standing at a rifle firing position, and seeing some original WW1 British barbed wire trench protection.

I attended the trench event, and was most impressed with the concept, realism and organisation. The trench was temporary, and has now been filled in. Beavers, cubs and scouts will have learned about the privations of trench warfare. My photos of the event are below, plus a 40 second video of the event.

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