Gordon should attend the Olympics opening ceremony

I’m seemingly out of step with the public mood on this one. I think that Gordon Brown should attend both the opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics.

Here’s why.

It’s hypocritical of us to talk about the spirit of the Olympics and the good that it does in bringing people’s and nations togther, while at the same time wanting to exhibit some faux hand wringing support for human rights in China.

When looking back on this unwholesome episode in a few years time, our petty grandstanding will have faded from view. What we have is a vacuum of principle from Gordon Brown. Neither giving whole hearted support to the Olympics nor to the cause of human rights in China.

We really must try hard to keep politics out of the Olympics. Sure we can cancel cricket tours and the like, that’s up to us. The Olympics is different. It’s international and imbued with values that transcend politics. We should be seen as its strongest supporters. Heck, we promote and laud these olympics values, and we’re hosting the pesky thing in 2012, which’ll cost us all £20 billion by all accounts.

No Gordon. You should face down the protesters, including that awful Nick Clegg[over] that I just heard on Channel 4 News.  Offer whole hearted support for the Olympics and it’s values, and if you believe in supporting the Tibetans, say so, in a reasoned and objective way. You can do both you know.

This is an issue of principle. We can’t on the one hand be seen to promote the Olympics for our own and London’s self interest, and at the same time be seen to take up weasely postions on human rights in China. I simply do not understand the sensitivities of Gordon not holding the Olympic torch, hell, it was only feet away from him, and we’re its next host.

The world will simply see us as bleeding heart hypocrites, further diminishing us in the eyes of the whole world.

No Gordon. You’ve simply bottled it again.

UPDATE: Friday, Seems I got it wrong, and Gordon wasn’t scheduled to attend the opening ceremony after all. See HERE. However I believe the gist of my piece remains valid.

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