A big day, No.2 of 3

Today, March 29th, is the 10th anniversary of this blog. 2007 seems a long time ago now. I’d no idea that I’d still be writing articles on this blog – all 5,763 of them, which have received 834,558 views in total.

Today, a reader called at home about a short article I wrote in May 2014 about the Blackhill Water Tower in Bagshot. That my puny efforts are of interest is a reminder that I ought to stick at it, though finding new ideas for articles challenges me daily. Sometimes, I feel I must recycle the subject of a previous article, an article I’m intending to write tommorrow is on the exact same topic as my articles in March 2007.

Thank you for visiting the blog, a big thank you to those who spend their valuable time contributing comments. It’s always a joy to meet a reader – doesn’t happen often, but when it does it gives me a little boost of energy.

So thank you readers, one and all, wherever you are, your visit is appreciated.

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