More lovely data: Surrey Heath & Lightwater

I offer you the latest edition of The English Indices of Deprivation. Funnily this index, for 2010, was released in March 2011 just after I provided an analysis of the 2007 edition, HERE.

The table below shows the top three local authorities in England with the highest proportion of their Lower Super Output Areas [LSOA] in the least deprived decile of IMD 2010 and change since 2007.

Surrey Heath’s LSOA’s in the top 10% of least deprived LSOA’s have changed from 2007, with six slipping from being in the top 10%. Even here in Surrey Heath, we are not immune from national and global trends. 

Out of interest I thought I’d check where my part of Lightwater lies in this Index. It’s most revealing. Looking at the results for Surrey Heath in THIS LIST, I found that one LSOA – E01030779 – was not only the least deprived in Surrey Heath, but the 10th least deprived in the whole of the index [number 32473 out of 32482 LSOA’s]. By then entering the number into THIS MAP, I found that it’s the area bordered in purple in the centre of the map.

Quite a surprise then to find that this is where I live. This part of Lightwater doesn’t have large houses, it’s mostly mixed housing. But I guess the reason for the rank position is that there’s a high level of employment, with many residents working at Heathrow or its allied businesses, or having retired from these businesses.

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